
Fall/Winter 2024/2025

For families requiring assistance there is a program which offers relief funding for sport: Jumpstart which can be found at Pour les familles ayant besoin d’aide, il existe un programme qui offre un financement de secours pour le sport, un de ces programmes serait Bon départ qui peut être trouvé à

Click here for the RSC Skating Calendar

Schedules for 2024-2025 Season

Location: 8710 County Road 17, Rockland, ON K4K 1T2

5 responses to “Registration”

  1. Hello, my son is 4 years old, we would like him to take the pre canskate lessons, how do we proceed with registrations?

  2. Hello, I would like to subscribe my son to a camskate session for this fall. Is there any updates on when would it start if fall session will be offered.

    Looking forward for your answer.

  3. Hi there,

    i’m interested in registering for lessons for my 3 year old son, he will be 45 in october. I’d like for him to learn how to skate so i can register him in hockey. Do you have any classes available? He was born October 12, 2016 and has never been on the ice, skating would be completely new to him.

  4. Hello,
    I am interested in starting my 5 1/2 year old into the world of figure skating. She already skates on her own recreationally with decent balance. So I am wondering where to start her, what equipment is required, and what/when programs are available?

    Amanda Tremmaglia

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